2024 Community Project
June 30 to September 1
Now at the Coyle Library for the month of September
on the second floor
on the corner of King & Main
This collaborative painting was created by 36 local artists to celebrate and support
the work of the Gleaning Project of South Central Community Action Programs SCCAP
36 artists from across our community - some Foundry members, but many not -
have created panels which have now been brought together
and assembled to form a large multi-media mosaic painting.
The 36 panels represent diverse artistic expressions unique to each individual artist,
but when viewed together, the work speaks with one voice celebrating the work of the Gleaning Project.
This painting depicts the Gleaning Project gathering pumpkins in 2023.
Community Painting Project 2024
A Fundraiser for the Gleaning Project of
South Central Community Action Programs SCCAP:
The Foundry artists have decided to use this painting to raise awareness and funds
to support the Gleaning Project of South Central Community Action Programs SCCAP
Your donation will help fulfill the mission and vision of this essential nonprofit organization!
A suggested donation of $50 to $100 per panel will help achieve our fundraising goal of $2,500.
Thank you for supporting the Arts and the Gleaning Project of South Central Community Action Programs SCCAP
1 Bernie Armstrong
2 Lynda Clayton
3 Merrideth Wile
4 Kimberly Cois
5 Gabriel Yahner
6 Carol Labashosky
7 Tricia Lesky
8 Patrick Creighton
9 Ami Plessinger
10 Sasha Coleman Arnett
11 Aretha Williams
12 Doretta Wisler
13 Kat Giuliano
14 Jennifer Davis
15 Sam Dalious
16 Linda Best
17 Barbara Randall
18 Christina Freidhoff
19 Marcia Wible
20 Connie Stenger
21 Sean Davies
22 Sharon Holoviak
23 Sherree Devor
24 Aileen Stottlemyer
25 Taylor Pierre
26 Vicki Anderson
27 Pamela Bartl
28 Korey Flick
29 Mary Peters
30 Luke Davies
31 Tilly Valentine
32 Stephanie Erdley
33 Suzanne Gessay
34 Meagan Mohn
35 Donna Crissman
36 Andrea Finch

2023 Community Project
June 9 to July 28
This collaborative painting was created by 36 local artists to celebrate and support
the work of the United Way of Franklin County
36 artists from across our community - some Foundry members, but many not
- have created panels which have now been brought together
and assembled to form a large multi-media mosaic painting.
The 36 panels represent diverse artistic expressions unique to each individual artist,
but when viewed together, the work speaks with one voice celebrating the work of the United Way.
This painting depicts United Way’s annual Learn and Play Day 2022
which introduced families to services available across the community.
Held annually, Learn and Play Day shows families how there are learning opportunities every day in our community.
Community Painting Project 2023
A Fundraiser for the United Way of Franklin County:
Sponsor a Square!
The Foundry artists have decided to use this painting to raise awareness and funds
to support United Way of Franklin County.
Your donation will help fulfill the mission and vision of United Way!
A suggested donation of $50 to $100 per panel will help achieve our fundraising goal of $2,500.
The Painting hangs permanently at the
Chambersburg Fire Department.
Thank you for supporting the Arts and the United Way of Franklin County.

At Second Street Firehouse Photos by Wright Style Media

The firemen

Artist & Foundry member Linda Gottfried giving remarks to the group.

Painter Marti Yeager & the Fireman with the great mustache, Kelly Fraiser

United Way's Amy Hicks accepting a donation check from the Chambersburg Fire Company

Some of the painters

Amy Hicks - United Way

Amy Weibly - who too the original photograph the painting was based on

Artist Ami Plessinger Northwood Books & artist

Artist & Foundry member Cindy Baker

Artist Marcia Wible

Artist Sharon Holoviak

Artist Marti Yeager

Artist & Foundry member Pam Bartl

Sean Davies
1 Kathy Carmack
2 Sean Davies
3 Linda Best
4 Michele Patti
5 Karen Lewns
6 Christina Freidhoff
7 Ami Plessinger
8 Lynda Beckwith
9 Marti Yeager
10 Amy Hicks
11 Mary Grassell
12 Pam Bartl
13 Doretta Wisler
14 Jean Harshman
15 Meagan Mohn
16 Mary Peters
17 Aretha Williams
18 Andrea Finch
19 Sasha Arnett
20 Sharon Holoviak
21 Connie Stenger
22 Sam Dalious
23 Dee Henry
24 Korey Flick
25 Sherree Devor
26 Cindy Baker
27 Donna Crissman
28 Donna Werling
29 Marcia Wible
30 Aileen Stottlemyer
31 Luke Davies
32 Kat Giuliano
33 Erin Coyle
34 Pat Keffer
35 Deborah Slocum
36 Danielle Black

Community Painting Project 2022
This collaborative painting was created by 36 local artists to celebrate and support the work of the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter.
36 artists from across our community – some Foundry members, but many not - have each worked to create panels which have now been brought together and assembled to form a large multi-media mosaic painting. The 36 panels represent diverse artistic expressions unique to each individual artist, but when viewed together, the work speaks with one voice celebrating the work of the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter. Each artist was given a canvas and a portion of a larger picture. None of the artists knew what the whole picture looked like, just their assigned piece. The canvases were then assembled together at the Foundry.
The finished picture can be seen from June 17 to July 24, 2022.
Come to our store and sponsor a canvas to benefit the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter.
The Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter staff works 365 days a year to clean, medicate, nurture, protect, and ultimately find loving homes for the animals in the kennels. This painting celebrates the important work done by the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter.
The Foundry artists have decided to use this painting to raise awareness and funds to supportive Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter.
CVAS staff works 365 days a year to clean, medicate, nurture, protect, and ultimately find loving homes for the animals in the kennels.
Sponsor a block and support CVAS
Your donation will help fulfill the mission and vision of CVAS!A suggested donation of $50 to $100 per panel will help us achieve our fundraising goal of $2,500.
While the show has ended we still suggest you donate to CVAS
This painting now hangs at the CVAS Shelter at 5051 Letterkenny Rd W, Chambersburg, PA 17201