Make it stand out
Drop in and Create!
Feathers will be available at the Foundry and the Council for the Arts
This will be an on going project until we mail them off to The Virginia Beach Art Center at the beginning of October.
You can also drop off feathers you make at home
Feathers should be between 6″ and 14″ long, and made of any type of paper, including magazine pages, newspaper, notebook paper, art-paper, craft paper–be creative!
Feathers can be decorated in any fashion, including with handwriting, sewing/stitching, painting, drawing, etc. Any embellishments must be made of natural materials (fiber, thread, wood, etc.–no sequins, glitter, plastic).
The Feather Project is a community art installation that is designed to bring awareness to the Indian Boarding Schools that Native American children were forced to attend over more than a century in the US. You may have seen a lot of press about this lately, as the Pope was recently in Canada, issuing an apology for the Catholic Church’s role in the boarding school program there.
The US had over 400 of these schools and still no one knows exactly how many children attended them. The schools were rife with abuse and neglect, and many many children went missing or died without their families ever learning of their fate. The Feather Project honors the lost children and lost generations due to these schools.
Virginia Beach Art Center is trying to get 1000+ people to participate in The Feather Project, a nationwide community art exhibition.
The Art Center is installing the feathers in November for its Aware 2022 exhibition.